P2P Marshal™ is a powerful investigative product that automates and greatly accelerates the tedious, time consuming process of finding P2P evidence on computers under investigation.
P2P Marshal automatically detects a roster of the most commonly-used P2P client programs, and automatically captures and organizes vital forensic information on each client it detects. P2P Marshal automatically reveals shared files, downloaded files, peer servers, and configuration and log information by each user on the computer being investigated.
P2P Marshal performs these tasks in a forensically valid way, and presents the results in an easily readable form on-screen and in a format that can easily be incorporated into a report.
P2P Marshal follows forensic best practices and maintains a detailed log file of all activities it performs. It has extensive search capabilities, produces reports in CSV, RTF, PDF and HTML formats, and runs on common Windows platforms.
-Automatically discovers and analyzes peer-to-peer file sharing usage
-Supports analysis of Windows XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008 and Windows 7 systems (English and
-non-English versions, 32- and 64-bit)
-Performs full analysis for Ares, BitTorrent, FrostWire, LimeWire, uTorrent, eMule and Azereus Vuze; detects and shows default download locations for Kazaa
-Performs all actions in a forensically sound manner
-Automatically maintains a detailed log, hashed to insure forensic integrity
-Provides extensive search capabilities
-Produces customizable reports in CSV, HTML, PDF and RTF formats
-Runs on 32 and 64 bit Windows XP or later, both English and non-English systems.